Tag Archives: Hungary

Eastern European Train Adventure Part 2 – Things that go bump in the night

What a night! Our journey from Krakow to Budapest by train started off smoothly enough but at some point things started to get bumpy. Very bumpy! We were shunted, rocked from side to side and generally rattled around like crazy in this train carriage during the night. “Is there some mad bastard ramming us from behind?” suggested my weary husband at one stage in the long night.

During our night’s progress we were welcomed to Czech, to Slovakia and finally to Hungary by the very sociable Vodafone who are always thrilled to see us apparently. On wakening up in Hungary (yes we did get used to the rocking rhythm of the train and we did sleep!) it was to the joyful sight of fields and fields of sunflowers. These eventually gave way to the less picturesque railway sidings and graffiti bedecked abandoned carriages that usually herald a large railway station.


A rap on the door by the carriage attendant is to give us our ticket back and announce our arrival in a half hour in Budapest. We are going to be an hour later than our scheduled arrival time and we are keen to get started on our 36 hours in Budapest.

My Little Farm in Town

Blooming Where I'm Planted

White Elephant in the Room

random insight from an unwanted houseguest

Simple Provisions

Food does not need to be fancy to be celebrated

Into the wild

Adventures of a dominican photographer traveling the world.

101 Books

Reading my way through Time Magazine's 100 Greatest Novels since 1923 (plus Ulysses)


"We're already living in the future. It's just not evenly distrbuted yet."