Tag Archives: hereford bull

The patter of little feet

New Hereford calf

A new Hereford calf is groomed by its proud mother

It is late September and here on the farm that means one thing – new calves.  Our organic beef herd have been out in the fields for the Summer and now, before the Winter comes when they have to move indoors to their straw bedded shed, is the time that our new calves arrive.  It is a busy time for my husband who has to keep a close eye on things in case there is a difficult birth.

But even here new technology comes to the rescue – and we have recently had a few cameras installed in the calving shed so that we can keep an eye on things day and night.  Literally!  And it makes for surprisingly good TV.

I know – I need to get out more!

So here are some pictures of our new arrivals, with their proud and protective mothers keeping an eye on them.

Hereford and Hereford-Angus cross calves

Hereford and Hereford-Angus cross calves – getting to know one another

New Hereford/Angus cross calf

New Hereford/Angus cross calf

New Hereford calf - with his mother

Oh hello! New Hereford calf – with his mother

Hereford pedigree bull

The Daddy of them all! Our pedigree Hereford bull.

My Little Farm in Town

Blooming Where I'm Planted

White Elephant in the Room

random insight from an unwanted houseguest

Simple Provisions

Food does not need to be fancy to be celebrated

Into the wild

Adventures of a dominican photographer traveling the world.

101 Books

Reading my way through Time Magazine's 100 Greatest Novels since 1923 (plus Ulysses)


"We're already living in the future. It's just not evenly distrbuted yet."