
Welcome to farawayfields.

I live on a farm in the West of Ireland with my family and an assorted mix of animals – two dogs, one cat, five alpacas, a horse, a donkey, a little flock of poultry (which also fluctuates in size depending on how many predators are around at the time!) and many many cattle.

I am recently retired, and so should now be free to do all kinds of things like travel, cook, garden, or just ramble around the lovely countryside that surrounds me.  Covid 19 has for the moment put paid to my travels, but there is still lots to do. So in here I will share whatever I’ve been up to that you might find interesting.  I’d love to hear your comments.

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My Little Farm in Town

Blooming Where I'm Planted

White Elephant in the Room

random insight from an unwanted houseguest

Simple Provisions

Food does not need to be fancy to be celebrated

Into the wild

Adventures of a dominican photographer traveling the world.

101 Books

Reading my way through Time Magazine's 100 Greatest Novels since 1923 (plus Ulysses)


"We're already living in the future. It's just not evenly distrbuted yet."